8 Ways to Enjoy Dark Chocolate When You Have Diabetes

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Chocolate is one of life’s simple pleasures. But if you’re managing diabetes, the joy of indulgence often comes with worries about the sugar and its effects on blood glucose levels.

Luckily, chocolate comes in many varieties, and not all pose the same risks. Dark chocolate, particularly options with high cocoa content and few sugar additions, can be enjoyed in moderation without derailing your health.

Beyond its delectable taste, dark chocolate boasts plenty of health benefits thanks to its rich antioxidant content, especially flavonoids. For diabetics, one key benefit of flavonoids is the potential to improve how well your blood vessels work, which is great for managing insulin resistance—a crucial aspect of Type 2 diabetes.

So, yes, dark chocolate isn’t just okay to enjoy within your diabetes-friendly lifestyle; it’s actually good for you! Now that we’ve busted this myth, let’s look at some practical ways to incorporate it into a diabetes-friendly diet.

1. Moderation Is Key 

Portion control is important for diabetics when enjoying dark chocolate, or really any treat. Eating too much of a good thing can still spike your blood sugar, so it’s all about balance.

A general guideline for a safe serving size is approximately one to two squares of high-cocoa content dark chocolate, equivalent to about 1 ounce (or 30 grams). This amount is just enough to satisfy those chocolate cravings and reap the antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate without significantly impacting your blood sugar.

Plus, the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it’s likely to have, which is great news for keeping things balanced.

Always remember to account for the treat you have within your daily carbohydrate allowance.

2. Look at the Percentage 

Just because a chocolate bar is labeled “dark” doesn’t mean it’s automatically the best choice for your health. The term “dark” can be pretty broad, and not all dark chocolates are created equal. Some might have added sugars, fats, or fillers that increase the carb count and reduce the health benefits you’re after.

Generally, the higher the cocoa percentage, the less room there is for added sugar and extras, and that’s good news for keeping your blood sugar in check. Choose a bar that has a cocoa content of 70% or higher. This not only ensures lower sugar intake but also means you get more of the chocolate’s beneficial compounds.

Although higher cocoa content leads to a more bitter taste, many people grow to love the rich, intense flavor that comes with premium dark chocolate. Plus, it encourages savoring in smaller portions, which is a win-win for mindful snacking.

3. Beware of Sugary Additions 

Speaking of additions, it’s crucial to be wary of sugary extras that can sneak into dark chocolate bars. While dark chocolate inherently has less sugar than its milk chocolate counterpart, manufacturers sometimes add extra sugars, fruits, or flavored additions like caramel and toffee to enhance flavor, which can quickly ramp up the carb content.

Always read the ingredient list. If sugar—or any of its many aliases like sucrose, fructose, or corn syrup—appears near the top, that’s a red flag. Dried fruits and sweetened nuts are not harmless either, so keep an eye out for chocolate bars that have these.

Opting for plain, high-cocoa dark chocolate bars is usually your safest bet.

4.  Check Net Carbs 

Another way to get a good idea of the total sugar content is to calculate net carbs. In fact, understanding how to count net carbs is a useful skill that can help you incorporate various snacks into your diet plan, not just dark chocolate.

Here’s how to do it: Flip the bar over and look at the nutrition label. Find the total carbohydrate count, then look for the fiber. Subtract the fiber from the total carbs, and you’ve got your net carbs. Since fiber doesn’t spike your blood sugar the way other carbohydrates do, this number is a clearer indicator of how the chocolate will impact your glucose levels.

Dark chocolates with higher cocoa content usually have more fiber and less sugar, which often means lower net carbs. However, a bar labeled as “70% dark chocolate” could still harbor added sugars or sweet fillings. Calculating net carbs allows you to uncover its true sugar content.

5. Pair With Healthy Fats

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Eating dark chocolate with healthy fats like nuts or seeds is not only a delicious combination but also a strategic one for managing diabetes. This is because eating high-fat foods along with your chocolate slows down the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream, giving you a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels rather than a quick spike.

Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans, or seeds such as chia, flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds are perfect companions for dark chocolate. They add a satisfying crunch and are packed with nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which also satisfy carb cravings and help you feel fuller for longer.

Have your chocolate alongside a handful of nuts, or sprinkle some seeds on top of it the next time you’re indulging. It’s a tasty, wholesome, and diabetes-friendly way to snack.

6. Opt for Sugar-Free Chocolate 

Another smart strategy is to do away with sugar altogether and go for sugar-free dark chocolate options. These varieties use alternative sweeteners like allulose, stevia, or monk fruit to deliver the sweetness without the blood sugar spike.

Still, it pays to be cautious. “Sugar-free” doesn’t always mean trouble-free. Some sugar substitutes might not sit well with everyone and may cause digestive issues, especially in larger amounts. And just because it’s sugar-free doesn’t mean it’s carb-free, so a quick label check is in order when you’re eyeing that bar of dark chocolate.

As always, moderation is your friend, sugar-free or not.

7. Combine With High-Fiber Foods

Photo by Mathilda Khoo on Unsplash

Pairing your dark chocolate treat with high-fiber foods is another excellent strategy to enjoy your treat while keeping your blood sugar levels in check. Like fats, fiber helps regulate blood sugar spikes after eating because it slows down the digestion process.

Low-sugar fruits like strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are a favorite because they are not only rich in fiber but also add a natural sweetness and tangy flavor that beautifully complements the bitterness of dark chocolate.

Other high-fiber options you can pair your chocolate with include seeds like pumpkin and sunflower, whole-grain rye crackers, and low-carb nuts like almonds.

8. Have Your Treat at the Right Time 

For diabetics, eating at strategic times throughout the day helps maintain optimal glucose levels and reduces the risk of spikes and dips. This is because the body responds to food differently depending on the time of day.

For example, studies have shown that eating carbohydrates, especially high-glycemic-index carbs, in the morning results in lower post-meal blood sugar levels compared to consuming them later in the day.

Additionally, one of the best times to indulge in a piece of dark chocolate is after a meal because the food helps to slow the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.

So, next time you’re craving some dark chocolate, consider saving it for dessert after your main meal.

Indulge in Guilt-Free Pleasure 

No need to feel guilty or stressed when you’re craving a yummy, chocolatey treat! Just use these easy strategies and enjoy every bite knowing you’re still making healthy food choices.

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